Head And Neck Surgical Oncology Clinic

Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Clinic: Treats the patients with cancers of nose and paranasal
sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and ear.
At present due to recent advances in the surgical field conservative reconstructive surgeries are
possible which confers better patient outcomes but without any compromise in the disease
control that improves the quality of the patients.
28 years old male was suffering from difficulty in breathing for one month
and was evaluated and he underwent Emergency Tracheostomy and biopsy
from the mass in the lower third of the larynx (Subglottis). The tissue diagnosis
revealed a low grade Thyroid neoplasm involving the larynx and trachea. He was
evaluated at a renowned cancer hospital at Bangalore with CT scan and PET
scan. They advised Total laryngectomy (complete removal of voice box). The
patient and his family members were emotionally devastated about loss of voice
and aesthetic complication due to creation of permanent stoma. Loss of voice is
a major issue for both the patient and his family members as the patient was
young and earned a living by working as a store keeper. As his job demands
verbal communication, loss of voice would incapacitate both his personal and
professional life.
He underwent Total thyroidectomy with excision of tumor with
LaryngoTracheoplasty (laryngeal & tracheal reconstruction). Patient was on
regular follow up for the past one year and the T-tube which was placed in the
trachea was removed after 12 months. The larynx and trachea are well healed
without any stricture (constriction) or recurrence of cancer. Patient is able to
phonate (speak) well and without any major scar or stoma (opening in neck).
Patient and his family members are satisfied due to better cosmetic and
functional outcomes of the surgery.
Though patient was diagnosed to be a case of thyroid cancer with erosion of larynx and trachea,
voice preserving conservative surgery was done without any compromise in the clearance of the
disease along with reconstruction which has provided a superior patient outcome compared to
Total laryngectomy (complete removal of larynx).


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